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Smart Green Cube

Indoor urban farming

Three different strategies for Smart Green Cube

We are currently developing a tool to design all the features one of these buildings must have based on the inputs we feed it. 

These inputs will go from environmental to material; from local regulations to social data; from landscaping to number of harvests needed.


From scratch:

This is the largest approach possible. To take a vacant urban ground and build a highly functional, sustainable and both socially and economically profitable piece of architecture in it. This construction should relate perfectly with its urban surroundings. It should blend in and help any kind of neighborhood whether if it’s degraded or socially articulated.


Abandoned buildings:

On a smaller scale the benefits can also be huge. Articulating solutions for out-of-use buildings or areas of them will make for a much smaller, yet very profitable investment. Our cities today are full of smaller and not-so-expensive places, such as unused flat rooftops or abandoned basements that we can implement Smart Green Cube in.


Pop-up Smart Green Cube: 

Disaster relief, refugee camps or famine areas are situations in desperate need of solutions to grow fast and quality harvests of vegetables. This is where a pop-up version of the Smart Green Cube comes in handy. BATCh’s expertise in modular architecture is helping us rethink the way we approach these problems. For instance, we should be able to land at a refugee camp and start picking our first viable harvest just 2 weeks after the display of 6 modules of Pop-up Smart Green Cube.

The system

Typical organizational scheme

Zone A: Reception
-Raw materials reception
-Packaging storage
-Fertilizers and substrate storage

Zone B: Handling
-Handling area
-Packaging line
-Palletizing line

Zone C: Conservation
-Exit pre-cooling chamber
-Exit chamber
-Shipping dock 1
-Shipping dock 2

1. Elevator: harvest
2. Water treatment and pumping
3. Crop area
4. Low enthalpy geothermal
5. Photovoltaic panels
6. Garden wall
7. Roof: climate control
8. Administration
9. Parking

Program allocation

Farming: Levels -1 and 0

Installations: Levels -1, 0 and +1

Education: Level +1

Skin performance

Photovoltaic production: South-West and South-East sides and roof of the upper prism

Mini wind turbines: All orientations of the lower prism

Brise-soleils: Avoidance of sun over-exposure on the North-West side

The team of companies
Of course BATCh is not alone in this journey. We travel alongside several companies towards this inspiring end.
Architecture and urban implantation are key to the Smart City and, certainly to a productive infrastructure like Smart Green Cube. This is why BATCh takes over this part of such an inspiring project.
The Almería, Madrid and Chile based consultancy is known for its commitment to research and development and is the engine that makes this whole project work.
Based in Málaga, this company excels at water treatment, agriculture, food production and sustainability. Their technical and engineering expertise is crucial to the Smart Green Cube.

The frame in which it all comes together. A cluster of over 160 companies focused on developing smart city products and projects, among which are BATCh, Desarrolla and Bioazul.